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Copyright for images

Dr. med. Christiane Handrick
Fachärztin für Dermatologie und Geschlechtskrankheiten

Marienstraße 25
10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 24 11 03 1
Fax: +49 (0)30 24 63 17 56


Tax Registration Number

Tax Registration Number according to §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE24 23 26 119

Responsible regional chamber of physicians

Berlin Chamber of Physicians
Friedrichstr. 16
10969 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 40 80 6-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 40 80 6-125


Responsible regional association of statutory health insurance (SHI) physicians

KV Berlin
Masurenallee 6A
14057 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 31003-0


Occupational title

Dr. med. Christiane Handrick
Fachärztin für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten,
granted by the Brandenburg Chamber of Physicians (Landesärztekammer Brandenburg)


Medical Association’s professional code of conduct

Professional code of conduct of the Berlin Chamber of Physicians (PDF, German)


Responsible person with regard to content

(according to § 18 para. 2 MStV and § 5 para. 1 TMG)
Dr. med. Christiane Handrick, Marienstraße 25, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Concept, design,
coding and administration

of the website


Wolfgang Senges

based upon Kalium Medical Theme: © 2020 by Laborator – All rights reserved.

Except for:

  • iFrame CGM LIFE eSERVICES (Compugroup Medical Deutschland AG)
  • CGM CLICKDOC application (CGM Mobile Services GmbH)
  • CGM ELVI Video consultations application (La-Well Systems GmbH / ein Unternehmen der CompuGroup Medical Deutschland AG)



Design by Clemens Dittmer.



© Dr. med. Christiane Handrick. All rights reserved.  


Street map

Compiled by Volker Dittmer.



If not marked otherwise, all photos taken by photographs on Pexels which have been used on the website are subject to a free-to-use-, no-attribution-, derivatives-allowed licence.


+ Homepage (slider)


+ About us

  • Our practice: all photos – © Dr. med. Christiane Handrick. All rights reserved.
  • Portrait Dr Christiane Handrick, MD, dark background – © Photo by Frank Nürnberger | Studio 10117. All rights reserved.


+ Services (preview images)


+ Services (images on pages)


Image editing

Wolfgang Senges

Disclaimer - legal information

§ 1 Warning regarding contents

The free and openly accessible contents of this website were created with the greatest possible care. However, the provider of this website does not guarantee the correctness and topicality of the free and openly accessible journalistic advice and news provided. Contributions marked by name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the provider. Merely by calling up the free and openly accessible content, no contractual relationship is established between the user and the provider; in this respect, the provider’s will to be legally bound is lacking.


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Source: Imprint template from
Translation by DeepL, edited by Wolfgang Senges and Grammarly